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Driftless Daily Reflections

Week of November 9-13

Monday, November 9, 2020: Commands
Daily reading: Micah 6:8 and Matthew 22:37-40

Micah 6:8 contains three simple, yet profound, commands from God. What does God require of us? It’s simple
and clear: do justice, love kindness and walk humbly with God. Micah 6 is a courtroom scene in which God
calls the people of Israel – especially the people of Jerusalem – to account for their actions. The people have forgotten God, especially God’s mighty acts on their behalf. Having forgotten God, the people have become increasingly corrupt, dishonest and violent. When Jesus is asked “What is the most important
commandment?” he responds, “Love God; love neighbor.” It is precisely the failure of God’s people to uphold
these commandments that has so angered God. Where, in your life, have you forgotten God? In your prayers,
ask God to give you a willing and open heart to live as God has commanded us to live.

Tuesday, November 10, 2020: Restorative Justice

Daily reading: Isaiah 10:1-2 and 1:16-17, Hebrews 11:32-34

God’s definition of justice is not “people getting what they deserve.” It’s people getting what they need to be whole in body, mind and spirit. It’s not that God
turns a blind eye to sin, but that God is more interested in restoration than retribution. When God requires that
we “do justice,” God is primarily asking that we advocate and provide for the powerless, voiceless, impoverished and oppressed people in this world. If you read Scripture carefully you will find this theme of restorative justice repeated over and over. Where do you need God’s restorative justice in your life? Where do
we need God’s restorative in our world? In your prayers today, ask God to lead you to someone who is powerless, voiceless, impoverished or oppressed. Be the hands and feet of Jesus for someone this week.

Wednesday, November 11, 2020: God’s Will
Daily reading: Micah 6:8 again; John 3:39-40; 1 Thessalonians 4:3

This profoundly powerful verse in Micah gives shape to the question, “What do we mean when we pray that
God’s will be done? What is God’s will?” We don’t want to give the impression that this is the definitive statement on the will of God. There are many others, including the John 3 and 1 Thessalonians texts. But issues of justice, kindness and humility are foundational to loving God and loving neighbor, and these things are at
the very center of God’s will for our lives. Where do these issues of justice, kindness, and humility connect in
your life? Ask God to reveal one new way for you to more fully live into God’s will.

Thursday, November 12, 2020: Genuine Generosity
Daily reading: 2 Corinthians 8:7-9; Psalm 8

Genuine generosity often comes from a grateful heart; the psalmist expresses this gratitude. In 2 Corinthians
we see a gratitude problem with this church. Because of the persecution that has broken out in Jerusalem,
Christians are suffering severe hardship. Paul travels to the churches to receive offerings to support the
suffering saints. The Corinthians were well off, and have enthusiastically supported the idea, but are slow to
deliver. In order to encourage the Corinthians to give, Paul points to the Macedonian churches. While
impoverished and probably suffering persecution themselves, the Macedonians give “beyond their ability” to support those in Jerusalem. Paul calls this generosity a grace that God has given the Macedonians. They are so
compelled to give that they plead for the privilege of giving. Paul is blown away by this experience. Have you ever been “blown away” by unexpected generosity? In your prayers, ask God to show you how you can experience the joy of giving more fully.

Friday, November 13, 2020: Love and Generosity
Daily reading: 2 Corinthians 8:7-9 again; Leviticus 19:17-18

There is a direct link between love and generosity. God has so richly blessed the Corinthians in faith, knowledge, speech (tongues) and love, but they have not yet learned to express their faith and gratitude through giving. Just as God loved and so God gave (John 3:16), the Corinthians are challenged to express their love through generosity. In Leviticus, we find the command of God to love, but true generosity cannot be commanded. It must be freely given. In fact, Paul calls this generosity a test of the genuineness of the Corinthians’ love for others. Love and generosity are clearly linked. How is generosity an extension of the love
you have received? Ask God to give you a generous heart as an extension of genuine love.

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