Программу Расчета I-D Диаграммы
Development of centrifugal compressors consists of several steps, the most important of them being preliminary design. A variety of methods are applied for solving this problem. One of these methods was developed by Galerkin and Rekstin. However, this method did not fully resolve all issues and was not tested by practice. In addition to this method, we have proposed a technique for adjusting the relative height of impeller blades, taking into account Mach numbers and the isentropic coefficient. We have formulated an approach to determining the empirical coefficient for calculating the pressure characteristics of the impeller when solving for the direct problem that is calculating the characteristics of the stage with the
Программу Расчета I-D Диаграммы
dimensions determined by preliminary design. The presented changes were implemented in the program for preliminary design of centrifugal compressor stages. The effectiveness of primary design was tested with a program for inviscid quasi-three-dimensional calculation by verifying the shape of impeller blades. Three stages have been designed with different values of design parameters (loading factor and flow rate). Analysis of the velocity diagrams on impellers blades showed that they were designed according to the specified design parameters.
A.A. Drozdov, A.F. Rekstin, Velocity diagrams of impellers of centrifugal compressor stages: analysis after preliminary design, St. Petersburg polytechnic university journal of engineering science and technology, 25(01)(2019) 79-91, DOI: 10.18721/JEST.25108.
Fig. 2. Program Primary design and calculation of the centrifugal compressor stage characteristics: Input menu of stage parameters for gas-dynamic characteristics calculation (left) and menu of stage parameters
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25.Zamiri A., Chung J.T. Scale adaptive simulation of transient behavior in a transonic centrifugal compressor with a vaned diffuser // Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo 2018 Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition. GT2018. June 11-15, 2018, Oslo, Norway.
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[8]Kryllowicz W., Swider P., Kozanecki Z., Kabalyk K, Kozanecki Jr Z. Technical and Aerodynamical Aspects of a High Pressure Synthesis Gas Turbo-compressor Modernization. 12th European Conference on Turbomachinery Fluid Dynamics and Thermodynamics. April 3-7. 2017, Stockholm, Sweden.
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[17]Japikse D., Krivitzky E.M. Radial stages with non-uniform pressures at diffuser inlet. Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo. Volume 2D-2016, Seoul; South Korea; 13 June 2016 - 17 June 2016; DOI: 10.1115/GT2016-57956
[19]Stuart C., Spence S., Kim S.I., Filsinger D., Starke A. A 1-D Vaneless Diffuser Model Accounting for the Effects of Spanwise Flow Stratification. Proceedings of The International Gas Turbine Congress. Tokyo. 2015. Gas Turbine Society of Japan. P. 485-494,
[21]Harley P., Spence S., Filsinger D., Dietrich M., Early J. An evaluation of 1D design methods for the offdesign performance prediction of automotive turbo-charger compressors. Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo 2012. GT2012. June 11-15, 2012, Copenhagen, Denmark GT2012-69743.
[22]Schneider M.. Bühler J., Hanna M., Schiffer H.-P., Leichtfuß S. Analytical loss prediction for turbocharger compressors. Proceedings of 11th European Conference on Turbomachinery Fluid dynamics & Thermodynamics. ETC11. March 23-27, 2015, Madrid, Spain
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