Lower Case Switcher Serial Mom
Fulbright. Use uppercase as shown: Fulbright Scholar Award(s), Fulbright Scholar Program, Fulbright Scholar(s), Fulbright Scholar Grant, Fulbright Distinguished Fellow(s); but lowercase the following as shown: a Fulbright grant, a Fulbright fellowship, Fulbright award(s). The Fulbright Scholar Program was established in 1946 under congressional legislation introduced by Sen. J. William Fulbright of Arkansas and authorized by the Mutual Educational and Cultural Exchange Act of 1961 (the Fulbright-Hays Act). Grants are awarded to Americans to lecture and/or conduct research abroad, and to foreign scholars to visit the United States. The Fulbright Scholar Program is funded and administered by the U.S. Information Agency through the Council for International Exchange of Scholars, which is affiliated with the American Council on Education. Fulbright Scholars are selected by the Board of Foreign Scholarships, whose members are appointed by the president. (Compare with Guggenheim; also see fellow, fellowship.)
Lower Case Switcher Serial Mom
government agencies. Capitalize the full proper names of governmental agencies, departments and offices, but lowercase modifiers: The U.S. Department of State, the California Conservation Corps, the Davis City Council, the Woodland Fire Department, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, California State University, the State Lands Commission, but the state Office of Emergency Services, the federal Department of Housing and Urban Development, the city Department of Public Works. Also see AP federal; government and governmental bodies; and state.
The Green at West Village; the first 1,000 beds (out of a total of 3,000) are projected to be available to students in the fall of 2020. To be run by Student Housing and Dining Services. UC Davis West Village also includes privately run apartments; this is student housing (lowercase).
Homecoming. Capitalize to denote the annual UC Davis event, but lowercase when used generically: To commemorate Homecoming, the Cal Aggie Alumni Association has scheduled a banquet. This week, homecoming activities are under way at college campuses across the nation.
housing. Student Housing and Dining Services runs residence halls in three areas (Segundo Residence Hall Area, Tercero Residence Hall Area and Cuarto Residence Hall Area), one campus apartment community, Solano Park, and an apartment program for incoming transfer students, Student Housing Apartments, comprising several apartment communities on and off campus. Student Housing and Dining Services will run a new university apartment project for transfer students, The Green at West Village; the first 1,000 beds (out of a total of 3,000) are projected to be available to students in the fall of 2020. UC Davis West Village also includes privately run apartments; this is student housing (lowercase). Student Housing and Dining Services is part of Student Housing, Dining and Divisional Operations (a unit of the Division of Student Affairs).
lecturers, lectures, lectureships. The title lecturer or adjunct lecturer should be treated as an occupational title rather than a formal title and thus always be lowercased, even before a name: nutrition lecturer Liz Applegate. Lecture titles go in quote marks, no italics (see composition titles.) Lectureships, often endowed or underwritten, enable the campus to invite distinguished scholars to campus for a period of a few days to participate in seminars and to give one or more talks. Lectures can be held, presented or given. The 19th annual Shell Biochemistry Lecture will be held Thursday, April 17. The Shell Biochemistry Foundation lectureship is funded by a grant from the Shell Oil Corp. Also see conference titles and series.
UC Davis Foundation. The correct name of the nonprofit organization composed of community and campus leaders who foster private support for UC Davis. The foundation is governed by a volunteer board of trustees. board of trustees is generally lowercase; although, UC Davis Foundation Board is acceptable.
UC Davis Health. Includes the UC Davis School of Medicine, UC Davis Betty Irene Moore School of Nursing, UC Davis Medical Center and UC Davis Medical Group. When referring to all four entities, refer to them collectively as UC Davis Health. When referring to one of them, use its specific name. In subsequent references, health system (lowercase), medical school (lowercase), nursing school (lowercase) and medical center (lowercase) are acceptable. On second reference to UC Davis Medical Group, which is the multispecialty group practice of the health system, medical group (lowercase) is acceptable. Never use the abbreviations UCDH, UCDSOM, UCDSON, UCDMC or UCDMG. The medical center is a level I trauma center (lowercase level with Roman numeral I). The physical location of the medical center and medical school is referred to as the Sacramento campus.
If you test for yourself, the ordinal of a is 97 (the third link I posted above will show the complete ASCII character set.) Each lower case letter is in the range 97-122 (26 characters.) So, if you just subtract 96 from the ordinal of any lower case letter, you will get its position in the alphabet assuming you take 'a' == 1. So, ordinal of 'b' == 98, 'c' == 99, etc. When you subtract 96, 'b' == 2, 'c' == 3, etc.
Mobile home park owners and operators often ask how they can obtain a title for a mobile home that has been abandoned in their park by the mobile home owner.There are two methods by which the park owner can title the mobile home:The mobile home owner can assign their mobile home title to the mobile home park. This is the easiest method, although usually the owner who abandoned the mobile home cannot be contacted for an assigned title.If assignment of the title by the owner is not possible, the presentation of a court order identifying the mobile home by year, make, and manufacturer's serial number and awarding ownership of the home to the park can be used. This requires the park owner to go to court to have the abandoned mobile home awarded to the mobile home park. Please note, the court order must assign ownership of the mobile home/manufactured housing into your name and indicate termination of a previous lien and if applicable, placement of new lienholder information. The court order serves in place of an assigned title.The Department of State has been advised that several circuit courts across the state are not familiar with accepting petitions for the awarding of mobile home ownership. Due to the lack of familiarity amongst some courts, the Michigan Department of State is providing the following information when filing a petition with the court. This information is provided for informational purposes only and should not be interpreted as legal advice.It has been reported to the department that some attorneys have had success when the mobile home is being conveyed along with the underlying real property by filing a quiet title action type in which the following information is provided in the order: Name of the owner as determined by the court, the vehicle identification number (VIN) or serial number of the mobile home, and a lienholder or lack thereof. Alternatively, the court may choose to accept a filing petition to award ownership of a vehicle. These court orders must contain the above information as well: Name of the owner as determined by the court, the vehicle identification number (VIN) or serial number of the mobile home, and a lienholder or lack thereof. PLEASE NOTE: The Department of State should not be named as a defendant in any case filing as this may delay the title issuance process. In fact, courts should not order the Michigan Department of State to issue a mobile home title, they should indicate the proper owner of the mobile home, in addition to the information noted above. Upon receipt of the court order, the Michigan Department will be able to issue a mobile home title when accompanied by the application for title, and title fee.
movementsCapitalize if the name is a motto or slogan; lowercase otherwise: Occupy Wall Street, the Occupy movement, Black Lives Matter, Black Power, the Black Power movement, civil rights movement, gay rights movement, transgender rights movement, labor movement, environmental movement. Capitalize the Black Arts Movement to distinguish the 1960s movement from other movements of Black arts.
WesternCapitalize for the film or book genre, but lowercase country western music. Capitalize the West and the South in reference to US regions. For directions: west and western.
EEarned Income Tax Creditearth lowercase when referring to soil; capitalize for the planeteco-fascismeditor-in-chief cap Editor-in-Chief on Mother Jones masthead or when preceding a name.e.g., with periods and always followed by commaErbil not Irbil; a northern Iraqi/Kurdish cityetc., followed by a comma when occurring in the middle of a sentence:Several chickens, cows, horses, etc., were spotted on the road.excessive force (shorthand), use of excessive force (in full)
Kkaffeeklatsch, kaffeeklatsches, kaffeeklatschersKeystone XL pipeline, Dakota Access pipeline lowercase pipelinekickassKing AbdullahKislyak, SergeyKyiv
PPAC, super-PACpageviewParis agreement, Paris climate agreement, Paris climate accordParty of Lincoln, cappedpasserbyPatriot Actpaywallper capita always follows a noun, so never hyphenatephoto essayphotoillustrationPill lowercase if used with a modifier: birth control pill; cap if alone: the PillPostal Service, the post office, as in: Postal Service agents arrest Steve BannonPozner, Vladimirpre-pandemicprimetimeProPublica not italicizedprotester not protestor