[S3E5] No Limits EXCLUSIVE
Barry has managed to give viewers everything; this shows seems to have no limits. The show gives viewers its share of laughs, suspense, and excitement, and some have shed a tear or two when going through the series. There are not a lot of episodes left in this season, so fans of the show should be looking for new clues and small details to get a hint on what could come in the next episodes.
[S3E5] No limits
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The Mandalorian never had any issues with runtime before: over the course of the first two seasons, episodes typically hovered around a 35-minute runtime, making it perfectly reasonable to throw on during a meal or before leaving the house in the morning. But while Season 3 started with an average-length 35-minute episode, Episode 3 stretched the limits of runtimes with an episode that topped an hour after accounting for end credits.
The city is able to set such an early voting schedule because of a recent court ruling that struck down limits on early voting approved by GOP Gov. Scott Walker and Republicans who control the Legislature. Under those limits, early voting could not have started until Oct. 24 and could not have included weekend voting. 041b061a72