Pastor Dave
Pastor Dave, follower of Jesus, husband, father, grandfather, and pastor. Life is hard and all of us have experienced brokenness. Pastor Dave (P.D.) is one of those broken persons who is being restored with hope and has a passion to share that hope with others.
Driftless Reflections Mission Statement
"To point to the Hope and Love we are finding in a relationship with Jesus."
About Driftless Reflections
We are not a church but a gathering of people who are on a spiritual journey looking for hope and healing.
Pastor Dave
Facebook: Driftless Reflections with Pastor Dave
Donations: A number of people have asked how they can support Driftless Reflections. As always please keep us in your prayers and we have added a support component if you feel so moved. Your contribution will be used to support our work and outreach at Driftless Reflections.